Apply for Residential High School
Residential High School applicants complete a multi-step online application process that varies based on art area and grade level. Plan ahead! The application process may take a few days or a few weeks to complete. Select your program of interest below to learn how to apply.
Application Deadlines
- The Priority Deadline for the Residential High School is January 8, 2025. We will continue to accept applications until all seats are filled!
- For Early Decision Dance, the Priority Deadline is October 25, 2024.
- We will continue to accept applications until all spots are filled.
How to Apply
- Creative Writing - 10th Grade Applicants
- Dance - 9th & 10th Grade Applicants
- Drama 10th Grade Applicants
- Film - 10th Grade Applicants
- Music - 9th, 10th & 11th Grade Applicants
- Visual Arts - 10th Grade Applicants
Creative Writing - 10th Grade Applicants
Students apply in 10th grade to attend in 11th and 12th grades. A multi-step, online application process must be completed to be considered for admission. As a part of this process, applicants will submit a writing portfolio and an essay. Applicants will use our online application portal to request recommendations and upload required materials.
Admissions Checklist
As a part of the admissions process, Creative Writing applicants for the Residential High School will complete a checklist that includes the following items:
- Application
- Student Photo
- Applicant Survey
- Creative Writing Recommendation
- Creative Writing Short Answer Questions
- Creative Writing Portfolio
- Creative Writing Essay
- Current Grades
- Current Transcript
- Current Attendance Record
- Academic Recommendation
- Guidance/Registrar Form
- Creative Writing Virtual Interview (if selected)
Portfolio Requirements
Creative Writing applicants are required to submit an essay and a writing portfolio to the application checklist as part of the pre-screening process. Only select applicants will be invited to participate in a virtual interview.
Essay Requirements
Describe a single, specific incident or event that has profoundly affected you as a writer. You may not use your experience at a Governor’s School summer program as the subject of your essay.
- 400-500 words
- Typed and double-spaced with Times New Roman, 12-point font
- Your name in the upper right-hand corner
- Save as a PDF
Portfolio Guidelines
Applicants will submit a writing portfolio of five poems OR one fictional short story.
Five Poems
- 1 poem per page, 5 pages
- Typed and single-spaced with Times New Roman, 12-point font
- Your name in the upper right-hand corner
- Page numbers in the lower right-hand corner
- Save as a PDF
One Fictional Short Story
- 1-5 pages long
- Typed and double spaced with Times New Roman, 12-point font
- Your name in the upper right-hand corner
- Page numbers in the lower right-hand corner
- Save as a PDF
- Find writing tips and reading suggestions at
- Not sure how to save your portfolio as a PDF? See the tutorials below:
- Questions? Contact us at
Dance - 9th & 10th Grade Applicants
Students apply in 9th or 10th grade to attend in 10th - 12th grades. A multi-step, online application process, which includes an essay, must be completed to be considered for admission. Applicants will use our online application portal to request recommendations and upload required materials. Select Dance applicants will be invited to audition.
Admissions Checklist
As a part of the admissions process, Dance applicants for the Residential High School will complete a checklist that includes the following items:
- Application
- Student Photo
- Applicant Survey
- Dance Recommendation
- Dance Questions
- Dance Photo - a tendu in second position
- Dance Photo - first arabesque
- Dance Essay
- Current Grades
- Current Transcript
- Current Attendance Record
- Academic Recommendation
- Guidance/Registrar Form
- In-Person Audition or Audition Video
Dance Audition Requirements
Applicants will participate in an in-peron audition where they will perform a solo, participate in classes, and attend an interview.
Audition Format
- Ballet Class (1.5 hours)
- Modern Class (1 hour)
- Improv Class (15 minutes)
- Solo
- Applicants will prepare a solo that is no more than two-minutes long. The style of solo will depend on the program the student is applying for. Applicants should bring a CD with their music to the audition.
- Ballet Program applicants: prepare either a classical or contemporary solo
- Modern Program applicants: prepare a contemporary solo
- Applicants will prepare a solo that is no more than two-minutes long. The style of solo will depend on the program the student is applying for. Applicants should bring a CD with their music to the audition.
- Summer Dance Interviews
- Residential High School Interviews
- If you are auditioning for both Summer Dance & RHS, you will only interview as an RHS candidate
- RHS Dance interviews take place after all Summer Dance interviews are complete
- Interviews are around 5-minutes in length
- After the interview, the RHS Dance audition is complete
Standard Dance Attire
- Females: Black leotards, convertible skin-colored or pink tights, and ballet shoes. For the modern center practice, applicants must be barefoot (rolled up convertible tights).
- Males: Black t-shirts, dance belts, black convertible tights with black shoes. For modern center practice, applicants must be barefoot (rolled up convertible tights).
PLEASE NOTE: Parents will not be permitted to observe any portion of the audition process.
Drama 10th Grade Applicants
Students apply in 10th grade to attend in 11th & 12th grades. A multi-step online application process, which includes demographic and arts information, must be completed to be considered for admission. The online application portal will be used to request recommendations and upload other required materials.
Drama applicants are required to submit a video audition to the Application Checklist and complete a live, virtual audition in February. Select applicants will be invited to Callbacks.
Admissions Checklist
As a part of the admissions process, Drama applicants for the Residential High School will complete a checklist that includes the following items:
- Application
- Student Photo
- Applicant Survey
- Drama Recommendation
- Drama Short Answer Questions
- Drama Video
- Current Grades
- Current Transcript
- Current Attendance Record
- Academic Recommendation
- Guidance/Registrar Form
- Drama Virtual Interview (if selected)
- Drama Callbacks (if selected)
Audition Requirements
Video Audition Requirements
Applicants are required to record a 3-4 minute video audition and submit a link to their video through the application checklist.
Applicants will also participate in a virtual audition, where they will be asked to perform some or all of the materials detailed in this document.
Video Format
- Introduce yourself and your materials: “My name is (your preferred name and last name). My monologues are from (title of play) by (playwright’s name), in the role of (character’s name), and (title of play) by (playwright’s name), in the role of (character’s name). My song is (title) by (composer/songwriter).”
- Perform your first monologue: Choose a monologue from a modern/contemporary playwright (from a play written after 1920).
- Perform your second monologue: Choose either a monologue from a modern/contemporary playwright that contrasts with your first monologue or a Shakespeare monologue (prose or verse).
- Perform your song a capella (without accompaniment): Sing 16 bars (1-2 musical phrases) of a song you enjoy and are comfortable singing. This song is not about testing your skills as a singer, but to hear your vocal quality for the stage. It is also an opportunity to showcase your acting through song. You can sing from a musical, a folk song, or popular music; whatever feels right to you and instills confidence in the performance.
General Tips
- Sound quality is important! Make sure can clearly hear you without distracting background noises.
- Set the camera 4-5 feet away. You can sit or stand depending on what is appropriate for your material. Props are limited to one chair.
- Questions? Contact us at
Monologue Tips
- Plays with suitable monologues can be found at
- Avoid using films, plays written expressly for high schoolers, or material from internet-only sources.
- Prepare monologues that suit your age, experience, and understanding. You stand out when you connect with your material personally!
- Read the entire plays that your monologues come from so you know what’s happening, where you are, who you are talking to, and why you are talking to them.
- Fully memorize your monologue before recording so you’re confident to engage your imagination and make the piece your own. We want to experience a character in a dramatic situation, not just reciting.
- Work from yourself. Avoid putting on accents, funny walks or talking, and crude attempts at “character.”
Film - 10th Grade Applicants
Students apply in 10th grade to attend in 11th & 12th grades. A multi-step online application process, which includes demographic and arts information, must be completed to be considered for admission. The online application portal will be used to request recommendations and upload other required materials.
Film applicants are required to submit a Film Portfolio containing a sample of their work to the Application Checklist and may be invited to an Audition Interview in February.
Admissions Checklist
As a part of the admissions process, Film applicants for the Residential High School will complete a checklist that includes the following items:
- Application
- Student Photo
- Applicant Survey
- Film Recommendation
- Film Short Answer Questions
- Student Statement
- Film Scene Analysis
- Current Grades
- Current Transcript
- Current Attendance Record
- Academic Recommendation
- Guidance/Registrar Form
- Film Virtual Interview
Portfolio Requirements
Applicants for the Residential High School Filmmaking program are required to complete and submit the following information through their application checklist.
- Film Questions
- Creative Submission
- Scene Analysis
- Student Statement
Film applicants will also participate in a 20-minute virtual audition in February.
Film Questions
In the Film Questions form on the application checklist, applicants will be asked to:
- Rank their interest in a variety of areas of filmmaking and share any experience they may have had in each area. Limited experience is NOT detrimental to an applicant’s candidacy.
- Tell us in 150-250 words about a movie you’ve seen that resonated with you. (Full directions for this prompt can be found in the Film Questions form on the application checklist.)
Creative Submission
Submit one of the following in which you were the primary creator. Anything submitted must be your own original work. Creative submissions will be uploaded in the application checklist.
- Short film - 3-7 minutes long, must be titled, saved as a QuickTime-compatible format (.mov, .mp4, etc.)
- Screenplay - must be in standard screenwriting format, 3-5 pages, with a title
- Storyboard - between 3 and 5 panels telling a narrative with a clear beginning, middle and end. Focus will be on framing, composition, and sense of storytelling, not on artistic drawing ability
- Audio Project - any example of a project you have created that uses audio to tell a story. This could be a podcast, a voice over recording, a sound mix, or musical composition. Submit an excerpt that is no longer than 2 minutes.
- Production design - This can be design work for film, theater, or any other type of production including set design, costume design, hair/makeup, prop fabrication, etc. Include 3-5 photos of your work along with a brief description of the context (50-100 words). You may also include any related moodboards, sketches, or renderings if applicable (1-3 slides).
- Essay - A formal academic paper that analyzes a film or an aspect of filmmaking. Minimum of 1000 words.
Scene Analysis
Applicants will select a scene from a produced feature film or series that they feel is an example of filmmaking at its best. Then write a 100-200 word analysis of the scene in terms of filmmaking craft, discussing at least two (2) of the following filmmaking choices and how they come together to make this a well-done scene.
- Cinematography
- Editing
- Performance
- Sound
- Art direction
Applicants will submit a link to the scene and type (copy and paste) their analysis into the provided text box on the Scene Analysis form in the application checklist.
Student Statement
In 250-500 words, share your long-term goals and how the Film program at the Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities will help you achieve them. The Student Statement will be uploaded in the application checklist.
- Not sure what the standard screenwriting format is? Check out this resource!
- Need a storyboard template? Check out this resource!
- Questions? Contact us at
Music - 9th, 10th & 11th Grade Applicants
Students typically apply in 10th grade to attend in 11th & 12th grade. We also accept applications from 11th grade students. Highly talented and mature 9th grade instrumentalists can apply for Instrumental Early Admission (IEA).
A multi-step online application process, which includes demographic and arts information, must be completed to be considered for admission. The online application portal will be used to request recommendations and upload other required materials.
Music applicants are required to submit an essay to the Application Checklist and perform and audition for music faculty.
Audition dates for Spring 2025:
- Saturday, February 1, 2025 Greenville, SC
- Saturday, February 8, 2025 Columbia, SC
- Saturday, February 22, 2025 in Greenville, SC
Instrumental Checklist
As a part of the admissions process, Music Instrumental applicants for the Residential High School will complete a checklist that includes the following items:
- Application
- Student Photo
- Applicant Survey
- Music Recommendation
- Instrumental Music Questions
- Music Essay
- Music Teacher Contact Information
- Current Grades
- Current Transcript
- Current Attendance Record
- Academic Recommendation
- Guidance/Registrar Form
- In-Person Audition
Vocal Checklist
As a part of the admissions process, Vocal applicants for the Residential High School will complete a checklist that includes the following items:
- Application
- Student Photo
- Applicant Survey
- Music Recommendations
- Music Questions
- Music Essay
- Music Teacher Contact Information
- Current Grades
- Current Transcript
- Current Attendance Record
- Academic Recommendation
- Guidance/Registrar Form
- In-Person Audition
Audition Requirements
Audition Format
Applicants will participate in an in-person audition where they will be asked to perform the material for their instrument detailed below. Students should bring anything that may be needed before and during the audition, including their instrument, sheet music, extra reeds, etc. Music stands will be provided. Please note that parents are not permitted to observe the audition.
Instrumental Early Admission (IEA) applicants who are invited to audition will also participate in an interview with the Dean of Students, the Chair of the Music Department and an additional music faculty member. Because of this additional component, IEA auditions typically last 30 minutes.
Vocal Musicians
Voice applicants will participate in a 90-minute audition process. First, they will participate in a group warm-up and, in front of the group, they will be asked to perform one or both solos. Following this, they will participate in a short individual interview and sight-reading exercise.
- Perform two (2) contrasting solos WITH piano accompaniment (accompanist provided)
- Applicants should be comfortable performing their solos
- Solos should be appropriate for your skill level and best show your talent
- Remember to bring the piano sheet music for the two solos
- Karaoke and other digital music is discouraged
Brass, Woodwinds, Strings, & Piano Instrumentalists
Instrumental applicants will participate in an individual audition that will last 10-20 minutes. Additionally, they may be asked to sight-read and may be asked several interview questions.
- Perform two (2) contrasting solos without accompaniment
- Applicants should be comfortable performing their solos
- Solos should be appropriate for your skill level and best show your talent
- Scales
- Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Oboe, Saxophone: Full-range chromatic scale and three major scales (two octaves)
- Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon: Full-range chromatic scale and three major scales (two or three octaves)
- Piano: One major scale (A, E, F, B-flat, or A-flat major) and one minor scale (e, b, f#, c#, d, g, c, or f minor) (four octaves each)
- Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass: One major and one melodic minor scale (two or three octaves, as appropriate)
Percussion applicants will participate in an individual audition that will last 10-20 minutes, and will choose a minimum of two (2) percussion areas to perform their solos/etudes and their skills as outlined below. Additionally, they may be asked to sight-read and may be asked several interview questions.
- Solo/Etude: Snare Drum, Mallets, Drum Set, and/or Timpani
- Solo work(s) from the standard repertoire are suggested such as the All-State etude/solo and pieces that would be performed at the high school level for solo and ensemble festivals.
- Skills: Demonstrate the following skills on instruments chosen for the audition
- Snare Drum (rudiments): Prepare 7 Stroke Roll, 11 Stroke Roll, Double Paradiddle, Flam Tap, Flam Accent, Flam Paradiddle, Single Drag Tap, Drag Paradiddle #1, Single Ratamacue. Must also play a Long Roll (concert style) from soft to loud to soft.
- Mallets (scales): Prepare scales in the Major keys of D, G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db (two octaves)
- Drum Set (styles): Prepare at least 16 measures of groove with fills in the styles of Rock, Funk, Jazz Swing, Bossa Nova.
- Timpani (tuning/rudiments): Prepare to tune timpani with match pitches provided in your audition via tuning fork, pitch pipe, or similar. Demonstrate single strokes and Roll technique
Percussion applicants are to use their own sticks, mallets, and music for the audition, and may bring their own concert snare drum, or SCGSAH will provide one. Drum Set auditionees may bring their own snare drum and cymbals, or use those provided by SCGSAH. All other percussion instruments are provided.
Visual Arts - 10th Grade Applicants
Students apply in 10th grade to attend in 11th & 12th grades. A multi-step online application process, which includes demographic and arts information, must be completed to be considered for admission. The online application portal will be used to request recommendations and upload other required materials.
Visual Arts applicants are required to submit an Art Portfolio containing samples of their work to the Application Checklist and may be invited to an Audition Interview in February.
Admissions Checklist
As a part of the admissions process, Visual Arts applicants for the Residential High School will complete a checklist that includes the following items:
- Application
- Student Photo
- Applicant Survey
- Visual Arts Recommendation
- Visual Arts Short Answer Questions
- Visual Arts Portfolio
- Current Grades
- Current Transcript
- Current Attendance Record
- Academic Recommendation
- Guidance/Registrar Form
- Visual Arts Drawing Workshop *
- Visual Arts Interview *
*Scheduled after submission of application.
Portfolio Guidelines
Applicants are required to upload a portfolio (saved as a PDF) to the application checklist. Applicants will be asked to bring all pieces from their digital portfolio to an in-person audition.
Download a printable pdf of this information.
We have reduced some portfolio requirements. If you have already completed the portfolio based on the previous requirements, we will also accept those portfolio projects.
Portfolio Requirements
- Color-Based Composition
- Triangle Tension Composition
- Pencil Drawing of Two Unrelated Objects
- Three-Dimensional Piece
- 20+ Sketchbook Pages
- Piece(s) of Choice (Optional)
- 1. Color-Based Composition
- 2. Triangle Tension Composition
- 3. Pencil Drawing of Two Unrelated Objects
- 4. Three-Dimensional Piece
- 5. 20+ Sketchbook Pages
- 6. Piece(s) of Choice (Optional)
1. Color-Based Composition
Create one 8.5’ x 11’ composition on paper, in any media, using a particular color scheme (complementary, analogous, etc.).
- Do not use an achromatic or a monochromatic color scheme.
- The composition should demonstrate familiarity with color theory.
- Write the name of the color scheme on the presentation.
- Be prepared to discuss the choice of color scheme.
2. Triangle Tension Composition
On one 8.5’ x 11’ piece of white paper, securely glue four (4) right triangles cut from black paper.
- Create a simple, clear, and concise solution that visually conveys the idea of tension.
- Be aware of positive and negative spaces created by the positioning of four right triangles.
- Do not overlap, alter, or draw on the triangles; do not extend beyond the paper.
- An earlier version of the application asked for equilateral triangles. Equilateral or right triangles will be accepted.
3. Pencil Drawing of Two Unrelated Objects
Create one 8.5’ x 11’ drawing of two unrelated objects using a No. 2 pencil (no colored pencils). This should be drawn from direct observation, not from a photograph, memory, or imagination.
- Draw the selected objects as you have arranged them in front of you. (The surface on which the objects are placed does not count as one of the two objects and should be included in the drawing.)
4. Three-Dimensional Piece
Create a three dimensional piece specifically for the SCGSAH portfolio. Your composition should demonstrate an awareness of form and space.
- Make sure to show two or three sides of the 3D piece in your digital portfolio.
- You must be able to carry the artwork if invited to the in-person audition, so consider the size of this work, and how you will transport it without it breaking. If it does break in transport, bring the broken pieces.
5. 20+ Sketchbook Pages
Select at least 20 (more are encouraged) pages in a bound sketchbook done from direct observation in the past 12 months. This component is not a collection of finished, highly refined drawings. Your sketchbook pages should demonstrate your interest in art ideas as evidenced in the drawings, images, and ideas collected inside.
6. Piece(s) of Choice (Optional)
Choose one or more of the following options that best demonstrates your artistic skills.
- A 2D or 3D piece, of any size and material(s)
- A drawn storyboard, neatly compiled and in order. Use this Storyboard Template.
- A motion picture (live-action or animation) no longer than 2 minutes. This must be saved in a QuickTime-compatible format (.mov, .mp4, etc.)
Audition Requirements
Audition Format
Applicants will participate in an in-person audition where they will participate in a drawing workshop and a personal interview. Please note that parents are not permitted to observe the workshop or interview.
During the drawing workshop, applicants will review key drawing terms (watch a short video on drawing terms here), participate in drawing exercises, and do a selection of observational drawings. All drawing materials for the workshop will be provided.
During the personal interview, applicants will share more about their art and themselves. Applicants will bring specific items from the Portfolio that was uploaded to their application checklist (see the list below). Applicants should be prepared to discuss their artistic choices and essay submission.
Bring all pieces from the application portfolio to the interview.