Songwriters in the Round 2024
Over the past 12 years, The Beaufort County Advisory Committee’s flagship event, “Songwriters in the Round,” in Hilton Head Island has raised a total over $1.1 million in support of the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities Foundation. This event features four award-winning Nashville singer/songwriters as they perform their original music in an intimate setting while sharing the personal stories and inspirations behind their hit songs.
On October 24, 2024 over $115,000 was raised and the event was presented in loving memory of Susan Allhusen, a beloved member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors and the Beaufort County Advisory Board.
This was the final year that the event was held at the Hangar, and we want to thank Sally and John Cardamone & Leslie and James Richardson for generously hosting this event for so many years.
Thank you to everyone who made this such an amazing success!
Community Partners
Platinum Star
Jim Allhusen
Ruthie and Berryman Edwards Jr.
Sue B. Emanuelson
Merrill Light
Liz and Jim MacLeod
Sally and Ned Nielsen
Lynn Parrott
Gold Star
Mindie and Robert deVeer
Laura and Marvin Dukes
E. Patricia and David Ekedahl
Golson Family
Amanda Phillips and Wayne Hilley
Bob Horger
Laura and Robert Lemenze Jr.
Diana Peck and Carl Maki
Alina and Richard Porcelli
Fran and Rip Rose
Silver Star
Caroline and William Bowen
Sally and John Cardamone
Gloria and Brian Carmines
Rochelle and Roy Clair
Sally and Ed Clancy
Addison and Andy Cook
Eleanore and Domenico De Sole
Brooke and Mark Dean
Liz and Arno Dimmling
Beth and Mike Drake
Karen and David Dukes
Lara and Edward S. Dukes
Elizabeth and William Dukes
Erin and Victor Erenberg
Linda Fiore
Betsy and John L. Griffith
Karen Gudis
Charlotte and Charlie Hardwick
Caroline and David Johnson
Laura Levine
Adrianne and Les Lively/Camilla Art
Jessie and Alan McCollough
Nancy and William McDaniel
Sally and Ric Peterson
Francie and Marc Putereri
Leslie and James Richardson
Jennifer and Tom Risher
Jay Sudowski
Jessie and Emil Tarazi
Patty and David Wetmore