Free Arts Activities
Teachers from across South Carolina can participate in standards-based virtual activities designed to easily fold into any type of arts education setting, whether virtual, hybrid or in-person. Activities support foundation level students and range in style to meet various arts classroom needs. Pre-recorded artist talks, student journals, teacher guides, and fully packaged art kits are some of the many ways we look to engage with our arts education community.
Stay up-to-date with the latest Outreach offerings by signing up to receive our newsletter.
- Grace for President-Creating a Character’s Perspective (Drama)
Want to engage your students in a literacy-based activity using drama strategies to engage students in character creation? In this lesson designed by Spark Curriculum Specialist Katie Mixon, students will listen to a story about a young girl running for student council at her school and then create and share a brand new character using their body, voice and ideas. Learn More.
We are proud to partner with the SC Department of Education and the ABC Institute to make
virtual content from prior years available on the Instruction Hub.To locate this content, search for the publisher "SCDE Arts in Basic Curriculum."