Designing Stickers with a Govie Student

Project DescriptionStickers

In this activity, designed by Governor's School Visual Arts Student Tota Garboua, students will learn how to craft homemade stickers, using designs based on plants native to South Carolina. This prerecorded lesson is engaging, easy to follow for students of all ages, and uses commonly found crafting supplies!

Tota is a member of Connecting Arts Through Service, the Governor's School's Service Learning organization, and is excited to share an activity that she loves doing with her younger siblings. We hope your students enjoy making stickers as much as she does!

What's included

-Instructional Video

Guiding Question

How can we use drawing methods, color, and common art supplies to design homemade stickers?

Artistic Process


Standards Addressed

VA.CR.NH.2 I can use and combine materials, techniques, and processes to make art.

About the Project Creators

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As a part of the Governor’s School’s mission to serve as a resource to teachers and students across the state, the Office of Outreach provides classroom resources and professional learning opportunities to enrich arts education in South Carolina. Learn more.