February 10, 2024 Audition Information
Thank you for your hard work and dedication in the Admissions Process so far. Read below for additional information regarding how to prepare for your upcoming audition.
Music & Visual Arts Auditions at Francis Marion University
Select Music and Visual Arts applicants for the Residential High School are invited to this audition. Be sure to reference your emailed invitation for the specific time of your audition and/or interview.
Review the audition documents to ensure you are prepared to audition.
Music Audition Overview
Visual Arts Audition Overview
Hyman Fine Arts Center
Heyward Dr, Florence, SC 29506
Auditions will be held in the Hyman Fine Arts Center at Francis Marion University. Please park in Lot H across from the building on Heyward Dr. You can see these locations on Francis Marion's online map at fmarion.edu/finearts/maps/. Signage will direct you to check-in, and we encourage you to check-in 15 minutes before your assigned audition time.
If you are running late, or in the event of inclement weather, please call Megan Hueble at 864.436.3482.
If an emergency arises and you cannot attend your audition, contact Megan Hueble at 864.436.3482 or meganhueble@scgsah.org. Indicate the student’s name and the type of emergency in your message. We will get back with you the next business day.
Please note that auditions are on an invitational basis. If you have not received an email invitation with an assigned audition day and time, please contact us at admissions@scgsah.org.