The Govie Parents group offers many opportunities for parents to increase their involvement in Governor's School activities and their child's educational experience. Govie Parents serve a threefold purpose:
- to encourage communication between parents;
- to facilitate and/or assist the school with various events; and
- to increase statewide awareness of the Governor's School.
Govie Parents facilitate communication by:
- Distributing a Govie Parents calendar of events for the school year to parents at Move-In Day.
- Sharing Govie Parents news in the monthly parent packet posted on the school intranet.
- Including special reminders or announcements in the school's weekly bulletin email.
- Communicating via social media on the Govie Parents Facebook Group.
There are many ways parents are involved at the Governor’s School including specific art area events, academic events, student life, alumni, outreach, admissions/recruitment and Govie Parents events. Govie Parents also works in partnership with other organizations and areas of the school on special events such as student activities, guest artist events, as well as recruiting and outreach activities. Below is a list of some events sponsored by Govie Parents.
Govie Parents Events
- Welcome & Welcome Back events
- Holiday cheer bags for faculty and staff
- Faculty & Staff appreciation luncheon
- Parent meetings
- Spring Orientation- Govie Parents session
- Area New Family receptions
- School Orientation- Govie Parents session
- School Store
We encourage you to become involved with Govie Parents. If you have any questions related to Govie Parents or questions that you would like to ask a “seasoned” SCGSAH parent, please email