Historical Dances
Project Description
Irina Ushakova, Thomas Shoemaker and senior SCGSAH Dance students demonstrate three historical dances in this prerecorded activity. Students will learn about the historical and cultural context for each dance.
What's Included
-Lesson Plan
-Companion Video
Guiding Question
How is Dance reflected in the people, experiences, and cultures around us?
Artistic Process
Perform/Present and Connect
Standards Addressed
D.P. NL. 4.2. I can replicate a brief movement sequence.
D.C. NL. 6.1. I can demonstrate movement from a culture and time periods.
This resource also aligns with the following from the Profile of the SC Graduate:
World Class Skills: Creativity and Innovation
Life and Career Characteristics: Global Perspective
About the Project Creators
To learn more about the Dance Department Faculty click here.
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