SCGSAH invites young writers to participate in 2021 Govie Writing Awards
The SC Governor’s School for the Art and Humanities Creative Writing Department is now accepting submissions for the annual Govie Writing Awards. South Carolina students in grades 6-12 are invited to submit works in fiction and poetry for statewide recognition and gift cards to M. Judson Booksellers, an independent bookstore located in downtown Greenville.
Students are competing for either the George Singleton Prize in Fiction or the Jan Bailey Prize in Poetry. These awards were named for the Creative Writing Department’s two founding faculty members, who will also serve as judges for the competition.
Entries are divided into two categories, with students in grades 6-8 competing in a middle school division and students in grades 9-12 competing in a high school division. Students may submit either short fiction or poetry. Specific guidelines for each submission type can be found on the Govie Writing Awards webpage. The deadline for entry is Nov. 12.
First prize winners in either category will receive a $200 gift card to Greenville indie bookstore, M. Judson Booksellers. Submissions chosen as honorable mentions will receive a $50 gift card. The gift cards are redeemable both in-store and online.
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