SCGSAH Partners with Horry-Georgetown Technical College to Offer Summer Program
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (HGTC) is partnering with the South Carolina Governor’s School for Arts and Humanities through a workshop hosted on the HGTC Conway Campus in July. The Young Composers Workshop will be held July 11, 13, 18, and 20 and geared toward music students in grades 7-9.
In the Young Composers Workshop, students will have the opportunity to write their own musical composition while collaborating with other like-minded artists. Dr. Cedric Adderley is the Governor’s School President and professional composer who will lead these workshops.
“We are excited to present our first summer program offered on the campus of Horry-Georgetown Technical College. Students will learn the fundamentals of composing, arranging and orchestrating music and gain insight into opportunities and careers in composition music,” said Dr. Adderley.
Any South Carolina student currently in 7th to 9th grade who can read music is eligible. Previous composition experience is not a requirement of participants.
Students will complete at least one original composition and have the knowledge to continue writing their own music.
“We are proud to be the host of the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities Young Composers Workshop on our campus this summer. There is proof that music education is valuable for students of all educational levels. Those who study music not only develop musical talents and abilities, but also improve their academic performance,” said Dr. Marilyn Murphy Fore, HGTC President.
SC Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities
Young Composers Workshop
Dates: July 11, 13, 18, 20
Time: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Fee: $50.00 (includes materials and lunch)
For more information about the Young Composers Workshop, visit
For more information about applying, enrolling, and registering at HGTC, call 843-347-3186 or visit