Paper, Paint, and Performance
Project Description
Part 1: Performance Masks and Emotions
Masks have been part of cultural and religious practices for thousands of years. They have been used as parts of celebrations, rights of passage, concealing identity (masquerade), intimidation in battle, and performance art, to name a few. Emotions are an important way of sharing with others how we feel. In this pre-recorded activity lead by Visual Arts Teaching Artist Daphne Cuadrado Andino, students will engage in a social emotional activity and art making experience to create a mask that will share emotions with others.
Part 2: Artist Talk
As part of this resource, participants will receive an invitation to join Daphne for a follow-up artist talk on October 20th at 4 pm that will include opportunities to share student work and ask any questions to the artist.
Materials for this resources are limited!
Suitable for all ages.
What's included
-Lesson plan
-Student Resource Guides
-Full Companion Video
-Craft Materials for Performance Masks
-Zoom link for a follow-up with the artist
Guiding Question
How does a person's facial expressions communicate their emotions?
Artistic Process
Standards Addressed
VA.CR.NM.1.1. I can combine several elements of art to express ideas, feelings, and stories in my artwork.
This resource also aligns with the following from the Profile of the SC Graduate:
World Class Knowledge: Creativity and Innovation
Life and Career Characteristics: Global Perspective
About the Project Creators
To learn more about Daphne Cuadrado Andino, click here.
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About the Governor's School's Outreach Programs
As a part of the Governor’s School’s mission to serve as a resource to teachers and students across the state, the Office of Outreach provides classroom resources and professional learning opportunities to enrich arts education in South Carolina. Learn more.