These instructions are for students, employees and guests  who need to connect to a wireless network. Your affiliation and device type will determine your connection method.

Choose the right network for you

There are two wireless networks at SCGSAH — 

  • SCGSAH 📶

    Intended to be used by all students, employee and guests.

  • SCGSAH-Secure 📶

    Only intended for school owned laptops.

Connect to SCGSAH

Follow the instructions below based on the device you're trying to connect:

  1. Connect to SCGSAH with the password: govSCHOOL

    Once connected, you'll be prompt to either Register as a Guest or Log In as a Student / Employee.

  2. Guests will be required to provide their name, phone number, email address and accept the terms of use before clicking on register. Guest registration is only valid for 24-hours.

    Note that guests are only provided basic Internet services in order to support web browsing. All other services, such as streaming video, is not supported.

  3. Students & Employees will be required to authenticate with their school issued username and password. Do not enter your email address ( into the username field. 

Users will not be required to reauthenticate their device more than once; however, you will required to frequently reauthenticate if you have MAC Address Randomization enabled on your device.

Device Registration

Follow the instructions below to register a wireless device that cannot access the self-registration portal:

  1. From another device that's already connected to the campus network, visit
  2. Log in with your school issued username and password.
  3. Click on Create Device and enter the Device Name, MAC Address and Accept the Terms of Use.
  4. Connect the newly registered device to SCGSAH using the password: govSCHOOL